PinnedJenny LaneinWrite Under the MoonYour Indigo Purpose Comes Into Our NowUntie your now to freedomJan 942Jan 942
PinnedJenny LaneAbout Moi~Jenny Lane in WordsPhoto by Author, Jenny Lane. C’est moi!Mar 18, 2022199Mar 18, 2022199
Jenny LaneinCatharsis ChroniclesMy Raw Reality in Words Starts HereOn writing with pain: time to write it out joy can be here tooSep 2150Sep 2150
Jenny LaneinNowismsMy Art: I Paint My Love in this NowismNow I create, creation in actionJul 735Jul 735
Jenny LaneHeart Center, Surrender, the Universe Flows ThroughWhen my words light not my nights, do they find comfort in another’s heart? When my words go and play in the daylight upon another’s page…Jun 2511Jun 2511
Jenny LaneHoping for Heartstanding Along the WaySometimes, I sprint on the path like an unnatural wind that throws me off balance. And then I get nowhere. So, I have to sit and breathe…Jun 1144Jun 1144
Jenny LaneinThe Taoist OnlineExistence Thoughts and Cranberries of OnenessNow, wake up lucidly to this dreamJun 122Jun 122