A piece of artwork of a large stained glass window, with a circle at the top with equal blue and orange, under is a doorway where the sun shines through and on both sides two enlongated windows of blue topped with three purple circles, there are two vases on each side filled with flowers, the floor reflects all the colors of the stained glass window
"All Love Through" art by Author Jenny Lane and Aiartist in Dream, post remixed in art program 💕

Can You See You, Dear Human Interbeing?

Jenny Lane


Facet of light, I see you dancing peace into our world under the night! I see you releasing those tears under the sun, so they become not another one's.

Interbeing human of the cosmos, I see you guiding, sharing your days of learning. So we all can rise! I see you karmically heart listening to others. In understanding our interbeing and not “I” pride.



Jenny Lane

An overthinking human who writes to make room in her mind and peace in our hearts. Art and words are my love letters to the world.