InNowismsbyJenny LaneOur Hearts Connect Across TimeStars coming forth into existenceFeb 25, 202427Feb 25, 202427
Jenny LaneIf You Were My ChildIf you were my child, my fears of life need not become your own.Oct 15, 202323Oct 15, 202323
Jenny LaneDo You Have the Awareness of Who You May Have Been if You Were Born into Another’s Suffering?The Freedom of Understanding and Empathy: Becoming the Gardner of my PeaceOct 21, 20239Oct 21, 20239
InThe Hub PublicationbyJenny LaneWe Need Leaders of Peace with the Seeds of Love SownCan We Enter the Age of Empathy? The Sunrise of the Age of AquariusOct 23, 202337Oct 23, 202337
Jenny LaneMy Godsend Kiss Me Into InfinityThe third line of words you first said to me was,Nov 23, 202338Nov 23, 202338