InArtiquebyJenny LaneMy Ten-Year-Old Painting Destroyed and RebornKintsugi of lifeMar 18, 202327Mar 18, 202327
Jenny LaneMy Birth Month April, How I Adore You So!Thank you for the miracle of lifeApr 7, 202344Apr 7, 202344
InNowismsbyJenny LaneNowism: Love in Every Raindrop & My GratitudeMy love letter of this momentDec 23, 202232Dec 23, 202232
InNowismsbyJenny LaneNowisms: G- Love, Bliss and GratitudeRemember, this life is such a blessing, be here now, friendsDec 16, 202227Dec 16, 202227
InNowismsbyJenny LaneNowism: Om, The Silence of a Sunday SnowfallI always forget to remember the solace of the silence of a Sunday snowfall. It is the first of the season, strangely. So I write today on…Dec 11, 202234Dec 11, 202234
InFor the Love of NarrationbyJenny LaneSorrow, Joy & the LanternChoose joy, even when there is sorrow, we can choose joyOct 1, 202233Oct 1, 202233
Jenny LaneMistakes Past Me Made in Relationships of Long AgoAnd the lessons I’ve hard earnedOct 12, 202233Oct 12, 202233
Jenny LaneOn “Failure” ◇ Dare To Jump With Pride In Your FallsAnd remember to get the fuck upOct 14, 202223Oct 14, 202223
Jenny LaneThe Greatest Gift You Can Give to Your Family Is Your Own Inner PeacePeace and Love. Yeah, I am a neo-hippie if you haven’t figured it out yet. 🌱I am an extra curious hippie too, who will be a life long…Oct 25, 202223Oct 25, 202223
Jenny LaneWhy Is It I Can’t Cry When I Am in Physical Pain? Do You?Can you cry when you are in physical pain?Nov 6, 202230Nov 6, 202230
Jenny LaneWe Will Become The Sun ☀️ From The Other Side of Sexual ViolenceDear one, please know, you are loved deeply, we see you, we see your light. Please know you are never alone in the darkness, your light may…Nov 8, 202235Nov 8, 202235
Jenny LaneA Day When My World Shifted Five Degrees To The LeftAbuse will never be tolerated by me, family or notNov 13, 202235Nov 13, 202235
InFor the Love of NarrationbyJenny LaneThe UFO Encounter Story circa 1990Ten year old Jenny’s teacher:Dec 17, 202229Dec 17, 202229
InFor the Love of NarrationbyJenny LaneMiracle Almost Got Eaten!Bad ass Miracle came from her depthsDec 19, 202227Dec 19, 202227