Jenny Lane
3 min readJul 29, 2022


No, no one anymore. Just me, and his over priced lawyer.

He doesn’t really have any friends anymore. He installed cameras in his house because he’s worried the neighbors will do something. When it’s the opposite they want nothing to do with him.

So I have the app on my phone so I can check in on him whenever. He’s let me do that. So I can keep an eye on him make sure he’s okay. He has a little doggie which is good. He talks to people on the phone but that’s about it. He volunteers places. He gets out and about.

The RO story is way too complicated but in a nutshell the beachfront property all the way down to the end of the street seems to be my Dad’s and not the three neighbors, which is a pretty huge chunk of change and alters the properties on the lake if it turns out to be legally his.

My Dad is not one to back down so he got mouthy with the woman when he should have just left, then continued again and got the law.

He’s a bulldog, when he wants something he won’t stop until he gets it.

Although he is now misquoting Buddha and such, by teaching him some things about Buddhism it has calmed him kinda?

But yes neutral voice, calm. It’s what i have to do. You’re right cooler heads do prevail.

He’s never been physically aggressive with me. Or anyone, my parents are pacifists. But he’s definitely verbally aggressive, it’s scary. He’s not a scary looking man but when he gets mad he is really scary. He calls me everyday until I pick up then will literally talk for hours he doesn’t even notice if you walk away from the phone kind of monologuing. I just don’t have the time or energy to be talked to everyday for two hours without some actual conversing you know? He’s lonely, he’s alone because he’s created a world where he’s pushed everyone away with this.

So I try to be there for him as much as I can with phone calls, and limit them time wise. If I were there whenever he needs it, I’d be on the phone with him 3 times a day for hours and hours and him just talking or be living there. And there’s no way I could live there. His house is a whole different ball of worms.

But he’s well aware of my boundaries. I have been beyond clear he just doesn’t care. He’s just not the type of human being who respects them.

You know the people who you tell your boundry to and they push through it for whatever reason?

Any one else in my world Reece I’m at the point where if anyone was treating me this way, he’d be way fucking gone by this point. I don’t know it’s different, cause he’s my Dad and he has been there for me, he has been kind and loving but the anger I am just not tolerating being anyone’s dumping ground anymore. It’s challenging to say the least. Really thank you so much man for reading and for your words. Totally appreciate my friend, thank you.



Jenny Lane

An overthinking human who writes to make room in her mind and peace in our hearts. Art and words are my love letters to the world.