An illustration hand drawn and refined by Aiartist in dream, it’s two black swooshes which make a heart, surrounded by little red hearts in various shades of red on a white background
Art by Author Jenny Lane and Aiartist in Dream 💕

The One Valentine’s Day the Little Monsters Almost Got Me

Jenny Lane


Like I say, my guardian Angels have been real busy in my life. Picture this, in your lovely mind, if you will. Especially, as some of us sit in hot hot hot perhaps this story will cool you down a bit.

It’s bitter biting your face February in New England, United States of America. In the year of one thousand, nine hundred and ninety. 1990.

It is Valentines day, February 14th. For the humans in the future reading, who have gotten rid of Capitalism holidays — this was where we celebrated love one day of the year. Let’s make it everyday of the year, oui?

Back to 1990.

I am ten years old in 1990. And in love with love. Dressed in my white turtleneck (I still love them) covered all over in little red hearts. And my bright red pants.

If you don’t know anything about New England Winters, the snow used to gather so much, it’d be up to my neck. Prior to snow blowers, we were real Winter snow shovel buff.

It is well below freezing in Februarys like this, with wind chills, well below zero — double digits. The kind of weather that instantly freezes your boogies.

Let’s just say, you can’t be outside very long without serious danger, frostbite, or hypothermia. If you aren’t covered, and are out in the elements…



Jenny Lane

An overthinking human who writes to make room in her mind and peace in our hearts. Art and words are my love letters to the world.