We Must Change!!!

How many more things do we “need” to buy to feel “full?”

Jenny Lane
4 min readSep 20, 2022
Photo by the blowup on Unsplash

How many more things must we consume before we feel “full?”

Breaking down boxes to recyle again and again and again.

While we watch the recycler take away our priceless time
again and again and again?

While you drive past the Prime driver, miserably doing a 24 point maneuver, on your small, little street.

While Benzos, or whatever the fuck his name is, actively dreams of creating an off world land of the exploitative rich, leaving everyone else behind on our raped Earth. And this is an actual thing he’s considering.

We consume, more and more and more, and cry about wars that continue to rage on, without accountability for our own consumption.

What is war, but someone behind the curtain stealing money, stealing lives so that they can consume more?

Our Earth is weeping in tornadoes and earthquakes and floods and wildfires. Our Earth is sending us a message and we are not receiving it.

And we’re still consuming, toiling away our most precious asset — our lives, for more things.



Jenny Lane

An overthinking human who writes to make room in her mind and peace in our hearts. Art and words are my love letters to the world.