What the Hecking Heck Medium? Help Us Understand Please: Purple Soapbox Rant about Work, Life, Society, Money, Medium Writing and Writers Here
Have I told you lately I love you writer friends?
After reading a new end of the month October update here on our pay on Medium, my soapbox nearly jumped out and hit me in the shins.
So I write.
Normally I avoid this stuff, and write about peace and love. But I’m human. I get frustrated and upset and ranty.
So I write.
Just me, freely being me.
Here I am, again, wondering about the why’s of life, working hard and seeing nothing in return. Feeling angry at the state of the world, my past career choice, and where we place our value in this society.
This was what sprung forth from my heart this morning in a response. As I thought about what is “normal pay” and how we are valued as creatives in this society. Thought I might, again, be doing something on my end with my writing that is affecting my pay here on Medium.
But think I need to also remember, unless I’m drastically switching up the way I’m doing things, I’m not taking full responsibility for my…